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Wholesale Cherries

   With Fresh Fruit Turkey, It Becomes Very Easy To Buy Wholesale Cherries. As A Supplier Of Wholesale Cherries, we Can Export The Required Amount To Anywhere In The World. All Our Wholesale Cherries Are Produced By Turkish Farmers With The Care They Deserve.

Cherries - Wholesale Cherries

   The homeland of cherries is considered Asia Minor and North and South Europe. Fruits, depending on the variety, can have different shapes, colors and sizes. The cherries can be red, almost black, yellow and pink in color. The harvest time of wholesale cherries can be in mid June or in July months. Cherries can also be used for canning and squeezing juice.

Benefits of Cherries

    Cherries contain a rich vitamin and mineral composition. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. It also contains trace elements: fluorine, calcium, iron and iodine.

Regions where Cherries grow

   A large number of Wholesale Cherries are grown in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions.

Harvest Time Of Cherries

   The harvest time of wholesale cherriescan be in mid June or in July months.

Cultivars of Wholesale Cherries

   As Fresh Fruit Turkey, we offer such types of Wholesale Cherries as “Vista”, “Ziraat”, “Napoleon”. “Stella”, “Lambert”, “Regina”, “Sweetheart” and “Sour Cherry”.

As Fresh Fruit Turkey, we offer such varieties of sour cherries as “Kutahya”, “Macar” and “Katırlı” .                                                                                                                                                         

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