There are many varieties of Wholesale carrots that differ in size, shape, color. chemical composition, ripening time, size and taste data. The best varieties are those with a small core, bright color and tender flesh. Carrots are mostly known for their orange color, but they can have white, yellow, red and purple colors. According to the maturation period, Wholesale carrots are divided into early, medium and late. Varieties are divided depending on the length of carrots into short (3-8 cm). semi-long (10-20 cm) and long (20-45 cm). Carrot root vegetables are eaten boiled and stewed; they are used for making fillings for pies. purees, juices, canned food and even jam.
Carrots - Wholesale Carrots
Due to favorable climatic conditions, Turkey is one of the leaders of the world market for growing fresh carrots. Wholesale carrots are grown all year round in Turkey. which allows wholesale suppliers to constantly export to other countries. We pay great attention to the sale of seasonal vegetables, the assortment of which varies depending on the time of year. We have a large number of wholesaleWholesale Carrots , which significantly reduces prices.
Because fresh carrots are a natural source of vitamin A. they have a significant effect on eye health. At the same time, carrots contain important vitamins such as K,C, B and E.
Regions Where Carrots grow
Wholesale Carrots , which are a wide variety of vegetables, in Turkey are most commonly grown in the Mediterranean region.
Harvest Time
Depending on the Variety of vegetable the harvest time is usually Summer and Autumn months.
Cultivars of wholesale Carrots
As FreshFruitTurkey, we offer such sorts of wholesale carrots as “Yellow”, “Purple (Black)”, "Red", "White" and "Orange" carrots.